After having a brief friendly debate with a good friend about home schooling, which wasn't really a debate but more like a discussion of the pro's and con's and the answers to questions that we gave each other, I decided to look some stuff up on the net in regards to homeschooling.
I went to a blog that I read frequently and found that she had links to homeschooling info, "I am always the Odd woman out..."
I clicked on her homeschooling link which brought me to "Choosing Home" which is a website with more resources and full of info as well.
Through clicking various links on that site I came upon STARFALL!

"The Starfall learn-to-read website is offered free as a public service. We also provide writing journals and books at a very low cost that can be used with the website or separately. Teachers around the country are using Starfall materials as an inexpensive way to make the classroom more fun and to inspire a love of reading and writing.
They have some really excellent and easy learning tools here. For free! It's set up so that I could set my 3 year old up at the computer and give him brief instructions and he's able to do almost everything on his own. There are times he needs help with the Match games or the kitten going through a miny obstacle course, but other than that, he does great on his own.
Learning his letters and the sound they make. All he's got to do is remember to click on the Sparkles when he sees them and the Green arrow when it sparkles, the rest he just listens and follows the directions which are simple and he's good to go.
Not to mention the 'ABC' sheets they have available to work with your child when it's time for learning to write.
I'm sooo glad I found this site so that Glen and I can learn our letters and how they sound together. Eventually we'll be good enough to move to the next game/tool on the site and he'll be able to read to ME!
(yes he's got his own childrens keyboard Spongebob (missing many keys that a child doesn't need) and his own childs size mouse that is Sesame Street themed. Ernie is on the main part of it and he has to click on button with the rubber ducky in order to click around on the screen. The right button has a ball on it.)

I went to a blog that I read frequently and found that she had links to homeschooling info, "I am always the Odd woman out..."
I clicked on her homeschooling link which brought me to "Choosing Home" which is a website with more resources and full of info as well.
Through clicking various links on that site I came upon STARFALL!

"The Starfall learn-to-read website is offered free as a public service. We also provide writing journals and books at a very low cost that can be used with the website or separately. Teachers around the country are using Starfall materials as an inexpensive way to make the classroom more fun and to inspire a love of reading and writing.
Primarily designed for first grade, is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. Starfall is perfect for Home Schooling."
They have some really excellent and easy learning tools here. For free! It's set up so that I could set my 3 year old up at the computer and give him brief instructions and he's able to do almost everything on his own. There are times he needs help with the Match games or the kitten going through a miny obstacle course, but other than that, he does great on his own.
Learning his letters and the sound they make. All he's got to do is remember to click on the Sparkles when he sees them and the Green arrow when it sparkles, the rest he just listens and follows the directions which are simple and he's good to go.
Not to mention the 'ABC' sheets they have available to work with your child when it's time for learning to write.
I'm sooo glad I found this site so that Glen and I can learn our letters and how they sound together. Eventually we'll be good enough to move to the next game/tool on the site and he'll be able to read to ME!
(yes he's got his own childrens keyboard Spongebob (missing many keys that a child doesn't need) and his own childs size mouse that is Sesame Street themed. Ernie is on the main part of it and he has to click on button with the rubber ducky in order to click around on the screen. The right button has a ball on it.)

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