Out there in the world there is a lot of fun made of the "in-laws".
The mother in law jokes, the father in law jokes. All that good stuff.
None come to mind at the moment, but you can always leave me a joke in the comments section.
Anyway, my in-laws are flying in for the holidays, which should be fun. {{no not really, being facetious}}
Especially since I think at the moment the hubby is more annoyed with them than I am, for their general behavior during this past year.
But I'm ok with it so far, I have no issues as of yet. I don't guarantee that one or both of them won't say something to piss me off. But those kinda things I usually find out afterwards from my brother in law and his wife.
Apparently my mother in law is good for that kinda thing. My father in law, well he'll just make the stupid remark right there out in the open if he feels like it.
One thing that I will refuse to do without while they are visiting (staying with my BIL by the way, NOT HERE), I refuse to go without my own vehicle anywhere. I am not going to be left in their hands (stuck being a better word) to decide where we go, when and how. Especially with the kids in tow. Us having our own car is sorta a given, but you never know when the case might come up that they might figure out how to fit us all in one or two cars instead of three.
Not to mention if I get pissed off, I want my own car to buckle the kids in and burn rubber right the hell out of there!
Yeah Buddy ..

The mother in law jokes, the father in law jokes. All that good stuff.
None come to mind at the moment, but you can always leave me a joke in the comments section.
Anyway, my in-laws are flying in for the holidays, which should be fun. {{no not really, being facetious}}
Especially since I think at the moment the hubby is more annoyed with them than I am, for their general behavior during this past year.
But I'm ok with it so far, I have no issues as of yet. I don't guarantee that one or both of them won't say something to piss me off. But those kinda things I usually find out afterwards from my brother in law and his wife.
Apparently my mother in law is good for that kinda thing. My father in law, well he'll just make the stupid remark right there out in the open if he feels like it.
One thing that I will refuse to do without while they are visiting (staying with my BIL by the way, NOT HERE), I refuse to go without my own vehicle anywhere. I am not going to be left in their hands (stuck being a better word) to decide where we go, when and how. Especially with the kids in tow. Us having our own car is sorta a given, but you never know when the case might come up that they might figure out how to fit us all in one or two cars instead of three.
Not to mention if I get pissed off, I want my own car to buckle the kids in and burn rubber right the hell out of there!
Yeah Buddy ..

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