Well the Holidays are done! I hope yours was a good one!
Not too bad over here. The in-laws flew in for the week of Christmas and New Years and went back home on the 1st.
They were really good (to our faces) and seemed comfortable enough to be around.
We'll find out much later if they had anything none too nice to say, the next time we hang out with my brother in law. They stayed at his house and if they were to say anything, they would have said something around him and his wife.
So I'm a little curious if they did or not. But all in all. I think things went well and they had a decent visit with the kids.
I'm sure it was easier this time that Red Boy is more open to dealing with them, since he sees them maybe once a year he's not too familiar with them.
Not to mention that he's 3 and a half. Red Baby was ok with them. Like with most people. He can take them or leave them as long as mommy or daddy are close by.
The boys did well with Christmas gifts thanks to family really diggin in.
Red Baby got one of those new don't tickle me Elmo's that laughs and then falls over laughing. Well Elmo also falls to the floor laughing, kicking into a spin.
Red Baby watched intently standing next to his daddy (daddy was sitting next to him on the floor), and once that Elmo hit the floor and started kicking, Red Baby started to scream, cry and reach for his dad to hold onto for dear life.
Elmo was having a fit on the floor and Red Baby was petrified!
He screamed and cried and we all laughed from the reaction. It was soooo NOT what we thought he was gonna do.
Red Baby loves Elmo... Least he did. On the DVD's with Elmo's world and in Grouchland, Red Baby would sing along with Elmo and all was right with the world. Not when he saw Elmo having a seizure on the floor in front of him! I swear Red Baby probably freaked out cuz he thought Elmo was hurt.
Now, he still can't go near it. The box itself has Elmo's voice calling out "no peeking, hahahaha" Whenever Red Baby goes near the box and we open it to make that sound bite play, he stares and walks the other way pulling me with him (I'm usually the torturer that opens the box to see the kid's reaction, hehehee, I know a little evil, but it's still too funny).
We haven't taken Elmo back out of the box yet, when I set up potty Elmo the other day for him to play with (he's played with it plenty of times before Xmas), Elmo said his little tinkle song and then Red Baby came over, stood in front of Elmo (sitting on the coffee table).
With one Swipe of Red Baby's hand Elmo was on the floor! And Red Baby was headed to hide in his room.
Pooor Elmooo....
Click on the pic to make it bigger so you can read it!

Too funny!
Not too bad over here. The in-laws flew in for the week of Christmas and New Years and went back home on the 1st.
They were really good (to our faces) and seemed comfortable enough to be around.
We'll find out much later if they had anything none too nice to say, the next time we hang out with my brother in law. They stayed at his house and if they were to say anything, they would have said something around him and his wife.
So I'm a little curious if they did or not. But all in all. I think things went well and they had a decent visit with the kids.
I'm sure it was easier this time that Red Boy is more open to dealing with them, since he sees them maybe once a year he's not too familiar with them.
Not to mention that he's 3 and a half. Red Baby was ok with them. Like with most people. He can take them or leave them as long as mommy or daddy are close by.
The boys did well with Christmas gifts thanks to family really diggin in.
Red Baby got one of those new don't tickle me Elmo's that laughs and then falls over laughing. Well Elmo also falls to the floor laughing, kicking into a spin.
Red Baby watched intently standing next to his daddy (daddy was sitting next to him on the floor), and once that Elmo hit the floor and started kicking, Red Baby started to scream, cry and reach for his dad to hold onto for dear life.
Elmo was having a fit on the floor and Red Baby was petrified!
He screamed and cried and we all laughed from the reaction. It was soooo NOT what we thought he was gonna do.
Red Baby loves Elmo... Least he did. On the DVD's with Elmo's world and in Grouchland, Red Baby would sing along with Elmo and all was right with the world. Not when he saw Elmo having a seizure on the floor in front of him! I swear Red Baby probably freaked out cuz he thought Elmo was hurt.
Now, he still can't go near it. The box itself has Elmo's voice calling out "no peeking, hahahaha" Whenever Red Baby goes near the box and we open it to make that sound bite play, he stares and walks the other way pulling me with him (I'm usually the torturer that opens the box to see the kid's reaction, hehehee, I know a little evil, but it's still too funny).
We haven't taken Elmo back out of the box yet, when I set up potty Elmo the other day for him to play with (he's played with it plenty of times before Xmas), Elmo said his little tinkle song and then Red Baby came over, stood in front of Elmo (sitting on the coffee table).
With one Swipe of Red Baby's hand Elmo was on the floor! And Red Baby was headed to hide in his room.
Pooor Elmooo....
Click on the pic to make it bigger so you can read it!

Too funny!
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