Tuesday, January 9
The Terrible Two's AGAIN!
Well here we are with our Red Baby.... he's not baby anymore. 
He'll be considered a "toddler" when his birthday comes around next month.  Which of course makes him officially 2 years old.  Red Baby will then be called Red Toddler. 
As for the terrible two's, well, he's started already.  Like his older brother before him, he's started a couple of months before his birthday.
Surprisingly enough the boys were GREAT for the Christmas holiday week.  I mean, really good with all the running around we did and seeing the grandparents.
But once that was over... faggetaboutit!

Red Boy became defiant at times and Red Baby has started his tantrums to beat the band, or his head on the floor as he likes to do most times.
I know the baby is frustrated, but jeez!  Wasn't my fault he woke up from his nap before he wanted too.  Go back to sleep you goofy kid!  But nooooooo...
Instead, he's in the crib throwing out his little blanket, the bottle that is offered, kicks the side rails of the crib, stands up and head butts the side of the crib.  Throws himself left and right and grazes his head around the rails of the crib.  Took off his shirt and his pants. And threw them out of the crib too.
Let me tell ya... this kid is good.  He stuck with that tantrum for over an hour.  He's persistent at least. 
Finally I put in a lullaby CD and turned it up.  After about a half hour of it, the crying suddenly stopped and we waited a minute.  Daddyjunk asked me if he was asleep cuz he was laying on his stomach and not crying.  I didn't know I would check, and sure enough, he's passed out.
Guess he screamed himself tired and asleep. 
Poor kid is gonna be chilled though, he's got only his diaper on. And I'm sure as hell not gonna put a blanket on him!  That'll wake him up and the screaming will start again. Screw that!
Some cool air against the skin would do him some good.  It's not too bad in here.

Oh and while he was having his fit.. I was reading my "Supernanny" book, and we were doing all the right things for a kid his age.  Kept him out of harms way as much as possible.  Tried to hold him to sooth him, but he was having NONE of that!  He would thrash about and start to throw or hit, so we figured the safest place for him was the crib.
Course you can't cover the crib rails completely and when he's smooshed and tried to tear out the crib bumper, just gotta hope for the best.  Says not to pay him any attention and not give in.  But to be sure that he didn't really hurt himself or climb out of the crib (hasn't done that yet, but after this fit I think he's figured out how), I was sitting in our bedroom which is across the hall and in view of the boys room (more specifically the crib), He of course can see me, but I had the book in front of me, so I would peek over it to take a quick look at him to make sure he wasn't in any serious trouble.  And I wasn't in full ear load of the screaming, so I was able to hang out there.
But he's sleeping now.. Thank GOD! and all is quiet again.... ahhhhhh...

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