Well much has happened since my last blog post. Glen has semi accepted day care as his fate, and Connor is still keeping us up at night, but he's growing steadily. So that means I can hope that when we go for the rice cereal addition to his diet, that he'll finally decide to sleep for us.
This morning Glen was a perfect angel and got dressed and off to day care without any hitches. Now what tomorrow might bring.. is anyone's guess. Some days he lets me put his clothes on him and others.. It's a wrestling match again.
We had a decent weekend. We went to Turtle Back Zoo on Saturday.. Gosh it was a great day and they cleaned the place up Super nice! I remember when I went as a kid and the walkways were loose rocks and the animals were behind tall fences or the old fence that you'd find at a ranch with the one lone buffalo behind it. Now the roads are paved and the cages are kept really nice according to where that animal is from.
I made a comment to Mark about how the one Hawks cage was set up really really nice with all the branches and greenery in there and that it didn't look empty or unkept like the next one that we came across. It didn't have any greenery or many branches in it at all. Dirt bottom with some sand. Mark turned to me and said.. Ah honey.. That's cuz that Hawk is from the desert. You ARE looking at it's natural habitat. I said, "oh, heeeheee" Lets move onto the bald eagles shall we?
Connor slept through it all, which is fine.. What's a four month old gonna remember.
Glen was running around and enjoyed looking at animal to animal. Sometimes not actually seeing the animal I'm sure. But being told where to look and being able to look around for something that he knew was getting his Aunt and Uncle excited or Mommy and Daddy, then he was excited too.
He really enjoyed the little monkeys they had there. He was able to stand really close to the Glass and the monkey came down right in front of him and then took off up into the branches again. Glen literally SQUEALED with delight.
We went over to the little pool area where they had two little penguins. Another good one for Glen.. They were very energetic and moving constantly. They also got super close. If they had waged their little tails in the water or flipped their feet the right way, they would have splashed Glen right in the face. He squealed a bunch when he was at their little habitat as well.
Needless to say those where his favorites.
Then came the train ride. This is a 2 yearold that is scared of rides he doesn't know. You normally can't put him on anything without dragging him. Well I carried his little ass on the train and blocked his way from getting off.. He was trapped and he wouldn't sit down. He stood right inbetween my legs. Uncle Gary and Aunt K, sat behind us so he had full view of them.
After realizing that it was fun and he wasn't gonna get hurt.. ... He liked it... And he sat down on his own next to me and we had fun with the wind blowing in our hair and saying... WHEEEE!
Aunt K made choo choo sounds and we went under the covered bridge that was pitch black inside and he didn't flinch. Made the noises with everyone else... booooo... . Then the train road along the lake for a while and Glen enjoyed looking at the water and looking around the woods on the other side of him.
When the train stopped.. I got out and turned to pick up Glen.. He stood up and then sat back down again. I had to pick him up out of his seat as he was kicking and whining cuz he wanted to stay on.
Poor Mark sat at the entrance of the train with Connor since we couldn't take the stroller on with us. I know we'll hit the park again soon, Next time, Mark will take Glen for that ride and enjoy his smiley little face.
Was a good day.