Saturday, December 30

Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet iguana

2) Eat more escargot

3) Travel to Mexico

4) Study time travel

5) Get in shape with midget tossing

Saturday, December 23
daddyjunk just confirmed and then I found the itinerary for my in-laws flight tomorrow.
I thought they weren't arriving till just after 6pm.  HA! WRONG!
They are arriving at the airport at 2:35pm if the flight is on schedule.
Which means we might have to go over to my brother in laws house earlier than I had planned.
Bummer, I wanted to pick up around here and dye my hair without feeling rushed. 

Here's my little conversation with FIL on messenger a few minutes ago:
FIL: you home?
MJ: yep
FIL: have heat yet?
MJ: oh yeah. been on for a while now.
FIL: figured it was.
FIL: just came in to shut down, leave for airport at 3am
MJ: I figured you had an early morning. not to mention spending the entire day in an airplane and airports.
MJ: gonna be a long day.
FIL: i'm alreasdy shot, and have a lllooonnngggg time to go.
MJ: yep. you better get some rest. you're gonna need it. We'll see you both at BIL's (name actually used, but changed to protect the innocent) tomorrow night.
FIL: ok, bye
MJ: night

Here's a funny... why did he ask about the heat... ummm... hope he's not thinkin of staying here... but I did offer... but I didn't think he would, that's why I offered...
Nahhhh... he prefers his comfort overall... he wouldn't be comfy here... Kids crying during the night, people upstairs stompin overhead all hours, no privacy on the pull out couch.
hmmm.... might have to lower the heat and claim it dun broke... yep.. tha's it.
Just in case.....   :-\

Star Wars Horoscope

Star Wars Horoscope for Cancer

You may whine at times, but you've developed a thick hard shell (like that of a crab).

You are strong willed and persistent - until you get what you want.

You never shy away from a fight, even when things get dangerous.

Mentally sharp, you are starting to master the elements of mind manipulation.

Star wars character you are most like: Luke Skywalker

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Friday, December 22
In-Laws ~
Out there in the world there is a lot of fun made of the "in-laws".
The mother in law jokes, the father in law jokes.  All that good stuff. 
None come to mind at the moment, but you can always leave me a joke in the comments section.
Anyway, my in-laws are flying in for the holidays, which should be fun. {{no not really, being facetious}}
Especially since I think at the moment the hubby is more annoyed with them than I am, for their general behavior during this past year.
But I'm ok with it so far, I have no issues as of yet.  I don't guarantee that one or both of them won't say something to piss me off.  But those kinda things I usually find out afterwards from my brother in law and his wife.
Apparently my mother in law is good for that kinda thing.  My father in law, well he'll just make the stupid remark right there out in the open if he feels like it. 
One thing that I will refuse to do without while they are visiting (staying with my BIL by the way, NOT HERE), I refuse to go without my own vehicle anywhere.  I am not going to be left in their hands (stuck being a better word) to decide where we go, when and how.  Especially with the kids in tow.  Us having our own car is sorta a given, but you never know when the case might come up that they might figure out how to fit us all in one or two cars instead of three.
Not to mention if I get pissed off, I want my own car to buckle the kids in and burn rubber right the hell out of there!
Yeah Buddy ..
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Santa baby...

The kids sat with Santa today, and let me tell ya, that was pure f--kin' chaos!
It was at the day care and the kids were all over the place, the teacher and helpers couldn't wrangle the whole thing with the older kids trying to help and instead making it more difficult.  You had so many people trying to make everything work that it barely worked at all. 
Got the boy sittin with Santa and the old man is talking to him and I'm trying to get a picture.  They give him his gift from Santa and he's playin with it at the same time I'm yellin for him to look at me so I can take the picture.
We get the little one in there to sit on Santa's other lap and he's looking over at the kids to his right, then up at Santa, then back to the kids to his right.. everywhere else but at me and barely at Santa, and then finally he had enough and started to scream and wiggle away.. so we cut the whole thing short.
The pics ain't pretty, but we got em.  
The boys can never say we denied them their Santa Claus visits.
Cuz we got the crappy pics to prove it!

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I've been naughty!!
Ok.. so I know I've been very bad and haven't blogged in quite a while.
On the other hand, my hubby has been doing good with his blogging and keepin up.  Nice goin hon!
I was really busy with a group for the past two months, but my time working there has come to an end.
I have more time to enjoy my family, work on the store, prepare for the holidays and of course now to blog.

--  Come shop with us for your fine Gifts and Collectibles! 

Monday, December 4
Totally Jersey!!
You Are 95% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!

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