Friday, May 26
Gonna be a Lonngggg Day!
I dunno what's wrong with him. He didn't have a fever, gave him gas drops, teething gel, tylenol in case he had a head ache. He had something to drink, eat, etc.
But no matter if we tried to comfort him, he screamed, cried, kicked, wailed, thrashed, scratch, fight with us all night long.
Connor (16 months old), kept us up most of the night. Especially me (since he's used to me more he prefers me), for some reason he was just not a happy camper. He woke up from his crib crying around midnight until about 5:30am. In between he probably slept about two hours, while I didn't get to sleep cept for maybe about 30 minutes when Hubby took a turn.
Finally at 5:30am we slept in his crib and didnt want till 7am. He's awake now and grumpy and still weepy, but lord only knows why.
All I know is that I had a procedure done at the dr's yesterday that cause some decent cramping and I didn't need a child giving me more pain and grief during the night.
And yet my little one did. Thank God for pain meds or I'd be crying right now.
He's quiet at the moment, content in watching his Disney Playhouse and drinking his cool apple juice. But i'm waiting for the blast of screaming that's yet to come again.
Hubby is working a different shift to help out a coworker, so I'm screwed for the rest of the day. He won't get home till 8pm.

Gonna be a long Friggin Day!!


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