Wednesday, July 12
Weight Issues
Here's something I posted to a Group for weight loss support that I'm in.
It's mainly just a couple of friends that give each other a shout out from time to time without the major guilt trips.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Long Post -
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:18:38 -0400

Hope everyone is doing better or at least still chugging along.
Well I haven't posted in ages and thought I would send along an update.
First - to all you ladies out there, One thing you can be thankful for is that you probably live closer to support (each other) than I do.
So always remember that you have each other to call upon no matter what.  That's the best part of having and being friends.
Secondly - As far as my weight loss... BWWAAHAHAHAHAAA! 
My big thing was moving to a first floor apartment so I wouldn't crash any ceiling fixtures on someones head, remember?
(tidbit: our dinning room light fixture just cracked, broke and crashed to the floor into many little pieces one morning for no apparent reason.  I swear, I was not exercising upstairs in the neighbors apartment! Hell, I don't exercise in my apartment, I'm not gonna in theirs!). 
We've moved to our first floor apartment back in March I believe and although we don't have ceiling fixtures below, some of the floor boards leave me to wonder if I should even walk on them much less jump around on them.  But that's just an excuse.
And that's what I've had a lot of... excuses.
But I'm gonna to stop the excuses and get down to business.  Especially since my husbands Fraternity Reunion is coming up and he wants me and the kids to go with him to the Picnic.  OY!  A coed Fraternity I might add. OY! OY!
So I have 2 weeks and three days to get like 20 pounds off me so that I can feel a little bit comfortable around these people.
Hubby doesn't care about the weight only my health but never harps.  He says we are a family and we are a part of him and he wants us there. 
So I'm hoping that his old fraternity friends have aged badly and I won't be the only one sitting in the park chasing after two children looking all sweaty and smelly like a horse that just ran a cross country race through the desert.
I digress:: 
What prompted me to send this email was weighing myself this morning to get the base weight to start dieting. 
My scale is a Weight Watchers digital scale.  And it goes up to 330 lbs.
This morning I got on the scale and it said 136.8.  I said there's not f#cking way!! I looked in the mirror and KNEW I hadn't shrunk. That was painfully obvious!
I got back on the scale and it said the same thing.
I yelled, "Don't tell me I broke another f*cking scale?!?!?!!"  (broke a cheap one years ago, and another cheap one at a friends house during a BBQ, but he doesn't know I was the one that broke it.  Thank Goodness many others were there to blame)
I got off the scale and took my shower.  Got out of the shower and after drying off tried the scale again.  Maybe by magic it fixed itself?
It said the same thing.  I thought damn, I broke this friggin 30 dollar scale.
Then I remembered, the other day when I moved it.. I touched something on the back of it and thought that I had moved the weights. By that I mean that little dial you turn to center the line on the 0 before getting on the scale).  But then remembered that this scale doesn't have your standard weight dial thingy, that's why you have to tap it to get the 0 cuz it automatically sets it correctly.  So then what did I touch??? 
Turned it over and there on the underside sitting all pretty was a little button that goes back and forth. 
One side of the button reads LB and the other reads KG. Guess which side the button was on.  Yep.. the KG.  "Son of a B!tch!!"
I tell ya... I prefer the KG read out by a LOT!!
Got on the scale... it said the usual... I said, "ppppffftttttt" and got dressed.
I thought I should post to the group my goof since I thought I huge DUH was due!!
Can everyone say DUH Chris!!  Sheesh!!
Happy Day.


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