Well after searching left and right and sending out resumes like crazy and joining up with about 5 recruiters... I got a job!
And get this.... the job was posted on Monster, but it's a direct hire, no Recruiters!
How do you like them apples.
I am taking a cut in what I wanted for my hourly pay rate, but it's only a dollar cut, and at this point I'm more than happy to take it!!
We need to try to make some headway here in regards to our finances, this job won't get us caught up exactly, we'll still be in the red every month. But about 1/4 in the red of what we currently are.
Now I just hope that the kid takes to day care OK. Red Toddler hasn't been in day care since he was 6 months old. Granted they know for the most part what to do, but I'm still concerned that they will freak out and call me so that I have to leave my new job to deal with Red Toddler. Yeah I know.. you think they are prepared and trained for that sorta thing or that it can't be that bad, let me tell ya. This kid has impressed both his father and myself with his Terrible Two's tantrums.
He goes ALL out. Screaming at decibels that I cannot ever in my wildest dreams even consider reaching.
Literally throws himself to the floor and doesn't care what he hits or where he hits himself when he lands, cuz that's just not the point.
Gets on all fours, lifts his head and then gives the floor a head butt, a Forceful Hard head butt. Over and over and over again. If the floor isn't handy for some reason, he's walked over and used the wall or the side of the crib that is stationary and doesn't budge (he's gotten his worst forehead bruise from the crib).
My nanny book said to let the kid have his fit, just keep him in a safe place where he can't get hurt and then ignore him. I put him in the crib thinking it was his safe place, HA!
Anyway, putting him in day care next week starting Monday and I'll be home that day. I start on Tuesday, but daddyjunk will be home, so if there is any issue they can call daddyjunk.
Hopefully there won't be any.
It's an exciting thing and a nervous thing now. Exciting that I'm starting a new job doing what I know best, and nervous for my little one and him causing so much crap at day care that I get called away too much...
Not to mention, I'll miss the little psycho too.