Ok, so I've been looking for a job and it's been rough as hell.
Basically, every company out there have decided to use recruiters to find their employees rather than placing and ad and doing their own interviews and such.
I understand that they are looking for someone specific and think these recruiters will weed out the ones that they don't want, but Come On!
It's very frustrating as someone that wants to work, is willing to work, and looking for work, to be held back by recruiters. They are asking me to temp work for a day or two, which will only pay the babysitter, and not even the gas for the car, forget about paying any bills.
Or they are asking me to interview for a job that is an hour away in the direction of full on traffic. I have to be able to pick up the boys from daycare before 6pm. If I'm driving home at known traffic hours on major highways, for a job that we already know is an hour away, there's no way I'll be able to pick them up on time if there is an accident.
I've signed up now with three different agencies and have sent my resume to two new agencies this afternoon. So you know I'll have to go sign up with them as well for any job opportunity.
And I got a call from another recruiter from an agency I didn't sign up with yet and returned her call (left a message on the machine). So that means I'll have to sign up with her as well for a shot in the dark.
How many recruiters does it take to get one person a long term job?
Let's seeeee.... so far we have 3 recruiters that have posted job opportunities in my area, to which I applied and signed up with them for, to find out that they are thinking of me for another position they might have and will get back to me, but I haven't heard anything from them yet or I hear from an associate with a job that doesn't fit what I'm looking for, forgetting completely about the one for which I applied.
And yet, here I am, still unemployed, in debt, and coming up short every month.
Where are all these so called positions that are posted online with agencies?
Oh How about this!!! I got an "Employment Opportunity" email. Seems it's from someone from the US Reserves, they musta scanned the resumes posted and decided to send me this email to join the reserves to work for them and then I'm sure if they need help, to hand me a gun to go fight.
I'm looking for an Accounting position, not a position on their death row.
There's just so many ways that receiving that "Employment Opportunity" from the US Army is so wrong.
Just another recruiter that wants to place you in a position that you don't want and not looking for!
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Came upon your blog through BlogExplosion and just had to post because, I'm going through the same thing with those damn recruiters and job searching. Except since I'm a web designer, they call themselves "creative consultants".
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