Well Red Baby has now moved up to Red Toddler.
He's now 2 years old and full of the terrible two's and then some!
He throws a fit to beat the band... worse than anything his older brother ever did.
He likes to bang his head on stuff when he's having his fit, so much so that he gets a nice dark bruise and lump on his forehead about the size of a half dollar.
Mentioned it to the doc at his 24 month checkup and she said, ignore him and he'll stop.
Thing is. We do ignore him. And that's when he's bangin his head on things. We move out of his sight range and we listen and we can hear the 'bang bang bang' of his head against the side of the crib. We put him in the crib thinking it's a place where he can least hurt himself.
Yea Right! NOT! He's found the side rail the best to get the nicest forehead bruise.
So we are hoping that he grows out of the head banging even if he continues the screaming.
He was good for my brother and sister in law when they came over for his birthday. So that was good of him.
This is the year of Terrible Two's, the beginning of Potty training, and getting him to talk more and socialize with other children his age!
Happy Birthday Drool Boy! 8-)
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