I just find it absolutely unbelievable that the US Army Reserves are responding to my Resume for an Accounts Payable position on the job search sites.
This is how they need to resort to recruiting people these days?
And then when I can't make it through day one of basic training they are going to deny me a job as an A/P clerk? How's that supposed to feed my kids and pay my bills.
Nice of them to offer me a job that they have no intention of giving me, only to try to get me to join and fight when they need extra people.
I'm told this is not a new thing... them sending out responses to job postings online. But it's new to me, and I think it's low and underhanded to think that I'm so desperate for a job that I'll join up with them for a position they probably don't intend to give me, but instead give me a gun and possibly send me to my death.
They should make it perfectly clear in their job offers and state that I would have to go through basic and if called upon would have to go fight.
But the emails I got, don't say that at all. Hence the low and underhanded statement.
Thanks but no thanks.
This fat mother of two toddler boys would like to see her kids grow up.
So I won't waste their time with my failing basic only to be sent home and I won't let them waste my life in case they are desperate enough to pass me through basic anyway.
Those army reserve recruits are all over job sites. I always get emails from them from the sites my resume is posted. I wish they would go away!
tasha, they won't go away until Bush does.
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