Well well well, my little baby, almost finally potty trained
completely. All that's left is night time training or holding it.
Saturday morning he got up early and wanted to pp in the toilet, so I
told him to go ahead. He runs in and does his business. I notice that
the diaper is wet from wearing through the night and needs to be changed.
I tell him to wait while I get a Pull Up. He tells me, no pull up,
noooo! I said calmly, ok, do you want underwear? Yea, I want
underwear. I said ok.
I got him his Scooby Doo underwear and he put it on, then his shorts and
we went about our day.
Throughout the day I would ask him if he needed to go pp in the toilet
and he say, "naaahhh" and continue to play. But, periodically he would
all of a sudden go off on his own to the toilet and pp. I would hear
the toilet flush and look around to find everyone where they are
supposed to be except for Glen.
I'd check the bathroom and Glen would be pulling up his underwear or
shorts or both together in a nice tangled mess and he'd tell me. Mommy,
I went pp, I get chocolate now. I'd ask if he really went and he'd
assure me that he had. So we would go over to the candy drawer and he'd
pick up one piece of bite size milky way chocolate.
We give him the chocolate only when he goes pp or poop in the toilet, if
he does both at the same time, then of course he gets two pieces.
He stayed dry all day Saturday and then at nighttime he would pass out
and then we would put on a diaper just in case. Sunday morning he woke
up dry, but ran to the bathroom when he got up. Changed into new
underwear and then continued like Saturday.
He did have one accident when he was so into watching a cartoon that his
Dad put on for him. But 1 accident out of the entire weekend? Heck
that's friggin fantastic!
We put him in a diaper again during the night just in case. He's asleep
when we maneuver this.
When he woke up Monday morning the diaper was wet, but he got up and
went to the bathroom and pp'd. then asked for his underwear, he put it
on with no worries.
So far during the day at day care he's been doing great. Knock on
wood... knock knock knock.
They have extra clothes and underwear that i gave them just in case.
I figure we'll continue with the night time diaper till the end of the
month or till we run out of the Cruisers and save the pull ups for when
Connor is ready for them. Even if Glen does have a night time accident,
he'll at least understand that during the night he's got to get up and
go to the bathroom. at the moment he probably doesn't cuz of the
diapers and he knows they will catch his pee and keep his bed dry. But
I want to give him more confidence in keeping dry like he's been doing
before dealing with peeing the bed at night.
Thankfully he's been good with going poop in the toilet, but I was
having a hard time convincing him to pee in the toilet all the time and
not just when he had to poop.
But he's doing it, and he's doing well with wearing his underwear and
staying dry.
I guess he just had to decide for himself that it's what he wanted and
then he did it.
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